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Education material weight loss - education worldly weight loss

01-02-2017 à 20:31:39
Education material weight loss
Want to know what people are talking about right now. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. (2016) Nutrition Interventions for Obesity. (2016) Salba-chia (Salvia hispanica L. e. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. CrossRef 36 Xianwen Shang, David Scott, Allison Hodge, Dallas R. The study had a large sample, a high rate of retention, and the sensitivity to detect small changes in weight. , provided a body-weight measurement at 2 years) (Fig. CrossRef 30 Xirong Zheng, Jing Deng, Ting Zhang, Jianzhuang Yao, Fang Zheng, Chang-Guo Zhan. Mariotti. After 12 months, all groups, on average, slowly regained body weight. Deane, Amarjit Saini, Colin Selman, Claire E. (2016) Impact of food supplementation on weight loss in randomised-controlled dietary intervention trials: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Ogunleye, Arya M. (2016) Genetic variation of fasting glucose and changes in glycemia in response to 2-year weight-loss diet intervention: the POUNDS LOST trial. The study was powered to detect a 1. Other goals for all groups were that the diets should include 8% or less of saturated fat, at least 20 g of dietary fiber per day, and 150 mg or less of cholesterol per 1000 kcal. (2016) Effects of diet composition on weight loss, metabolic factors and biomarkers in a 1-year weight loss intervention in obese women examined by baseline insulin resistance status. CrossRef 146 Michelle Crino, Gary Sacks, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Boyd Swinburn, Bruce Neal. Thus, we recognized the need for a large trial that would be designed to overcome the limitations of previous trials and that would compare the effects of three principal dietary macronutrients. G. Smith, Robert Ratner. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Krauss. Wingo, T. Devassy, Stephanie P. Nickols-Richardson. Adherence, Diet Acceptability, Satiety, and Satisfaction Mean reported intakes at 6 months and 2 years did not reach the target levels for macronutrients ( Table 2 ). The diets consisted of similar foods and met guidelines for cardiovascular health. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 1, 201-213. 5 kg at 6 months, which corresponds to a reduction in daily energy intake of approximately 225 kcal. CrossRef 16 Michelle Crino, Gary Sacks, Jason H. Zurbau, H. Thus, a low-fat intake of 25% was associated with increased weight loss in the low-fat groups but not in the high-fat groups, and a high-protein intake of 24 to 25% was associated with increased weight loss in the high-protein groups but not in the average-protein groups. Y. (2016) Predictors of weight regain in patients who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. CrossRef 60 Roger A. Bethesda, MD: National Cholesterol Education Program, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, 2002. 4, and 10. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. CrossRef 119 Sigal Sofer, Abraham Eliraz, Zecharia Madar, Oren Froy. Ludwig, C. Of these participants, 325 were assigned to a high-protein diet and 320 to an average-protein diet, 319 were assigned to a high-fat diet and 326 to a low-fat diet, and 169 were assigned to the highest-carbohydrate diet and 168 to the lowest-carbohydrate diet. Citing Articles 1 Danny Weathers, Jennifer Christie Siemens, Steven W. The population was diverse with respect to age, income, and geography and included a large percentage of men. Thus, the participants assigned to an average-protein or high-fat diet did not have to change their customary level of dietary protein and fat very much and could focus more on reducing dietary intake. A low-carbohydrate as compared with a low-fat diet in severe obesity. Krystal. Wu. Kurland, Stefan Judex. Hanna. Panel B shows the change in body weight for the 645 participants who provided measurements at 2 years. M. CrossRef 13 Nicola Guess. Stewart. (2016) Potential anti-obesity effects of a long-acting cocaine hydrolase. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Obesity and Diabetes. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Discussion In this population-based trial, participants were assigned to and taught about diets that emphasized different contents of carbohydrates, fat, and protein and were given reinforcement for 2 years through group and individual sessions. We used a generic approach to developing each diet and the instructions for following it, in order to minimize such influences. (2015) Dietary Intervention for Overweight and Obese Adults: Comparison of Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diets. This is a chemical in the brain that helps promote wakefulness. Participants had to be 30 to 70 years of age and have a body-mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) of 25 to 40. e1-1242. Most contain a combination of estrogen and a progestin. Franks, M. CrossRef 29 Sunita M. CrossRef 14 Hans Hauner. CrossRef 101 Harry Preuss, Debasis Bagchi, Dallas Clouatre, Anand Swaroop, Nicholas Perricone. CrossRef 158 Janet Walberg Rankin. (NIH publication no. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. We performed an intention-to-treat analysis in which long-term weight loss for persons who withdrew from the study early (after at least 6 months of participation) was imputed on the basis of a rate of 0. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 28:1, 38-43. Blinding was maintained by the use of similar foods for each diet. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Lifestyle Intervention for Resumption of Ovulation in Anovulatory Women with Obesity and Infertility. (2014) Personalized weight loss strategies—the role of macronutrient distribution. (2016) Effects of a Low-carbohydrate, High-fat Diet. CrossRef 167 Anne-Thea McGill. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. CrossRef 147 R. Diabetes and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Open bars represent average-protein, low-fat, or lowest-carbohydrate diets. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. CrossRef 162 Mitsuyoshi Takahara, Iichiro Shimomura. CrossRef 9 A. Ebbeling. 2015. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Ard. (2016) The therapeutic potential of metabolic hormones in the treatment of age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer disease. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Gene-Diet Interaction and Weight Management. Overall, these findings with respect to adherence to macronutrient goals suggest that participants in weight-loss programs revert to their customary macronutrient intakes over time but may nonetheless be able to maintain weight loss. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. T. Phipps. (2014) Pre-ordering lunch at work. CrossRef 91 Deirdre K Tobias, Mu Chen, JoAnn E Manson, David S Ludwig, Walter Willett, Frank B Hu. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. A high-protein intake was associated with weight loss only in the high-protein groups, and a low-fat intake was associated with weight loss only in the low-fat groups. Media in This Article Poll Results Contributors Figure 1 Mean Change in Body Weight and Waist Circumference from Baseline to 2 Years According to Dietary Macronutrient Content. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 12:9, 1640-1645. (2015) Comparative effectiveness of plant-based diets for weight loss: A randomized controlled trial of five different diets. CrossRef 6 Tracey Ledoux, Tabbetha Lopez, Craig Johnston, Elizabeth Vaughan, John P. A total of 403 participants were assigned to a high-protein diet and 408 to an average-protein diet, 405 were assigned to a high-fat diet and 406 to a low-fat diet, and 204 were assigned to the highest-carbohydrate diet and 201 to the lowest-carbohydrate diet. (2017) Tracking food intake as bites: Effects on cognitive resources, eating enjoyment, and self-control. Protein and fat intakes overlapped among the groups. Ito, Harold E. Fuss, Edward Saltzman, Susan B. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. CrossRef 65 Cinthya Wibisono, Yasmine Probst, Elizabeth Neale, Linda Tapsell. 28 Several recent trials have also shown that continued contact with participants after weight loss is associated with less regain. Niu, S. Carbohydrate restricted diets high in either monounsaturated fat or protein are equally effective in promoting fat loss and improving blood lipids. Duvnjak, J. CrossRef 99 Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein, David Kanter, Sanjay Kaul, Allan Siegel. CrossRef 42 A. CrossRef 64 David Houghton, Christopher Stewart, Christopher Day, Michael Trenell. 2015. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes were also analyzed according to the intention-to-treat principle, with zero change from baseline imputed for missing data. Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Human Health and Disease Prevention, 327-340. Nalliah, Prashanthan Sanders. Krumhar. Effects of moderate variations in macronutrient composition on weight loss and reduction in cardiovascular disease risk in obese, insulin-resistant adults. R. (2015) Obesity: Lifestyle management, bariatric surgery, drugs, and the therapeutic exploitation of gut hormones. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Quick links to the most popular questions and answers. Levels of serum lipids, glucose, insulin, and glycated hemoglobin were measured at the clinical laboratory at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center. Dietary and Lifestyle Strategies for Weight Loss. 2017. Benefits of lifestyle modification in the pharmacologic treatment of obesity: a randomized trial. I. Olsen. P. C. Craving, fullness, and hunger and diet-satisfaction scores were similar at 6 months and at 2 years among the diets (Table 2 in the Supplementary Appendix ). W. J. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. M. K. I. L. Effect of an energy-restricted, high-protein, low-fat diet relative to a conventional low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet on weight loss, body composition, nutritional status, and markers of cardiovascular health in obese women. Hu. V. Seimon, N. (2015) National Lipid Association Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of Dyslipidemia: Part 2. Panel D shows the change in waist circumference for the 599 participants who provided measurements at 2 years. CrossRef 38 Satya Sharma, Hea Chung, Hyeon Kim, Seong Hong. Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, 41-52. Kabagambe. M. Of these participants, 325 were assigned to a high-protein diet and 320 to an average-protein diet, 319 were assigned to a high-fat diet and 326 to a low-fat diet, and 169 were assigned to the highest-carbohydrate diet and 168 to the lowest-carbohydrate diet. CrossRef 161 E E J G Aller, T M Larsen, H Claus, A K Lindroos, A Kafatos, A Pfeiffer, J A Martinez, T Handjieva-Darlenska, M Kunesova, S Stender, W H M Saris, A Astrup, M A van Baak. Carbohydrate-rich foods with a low glycemic index were recommended in each diet. Sidney Barritt, Yvon Calmus, Olivier Scatton, Thomas Runge, Pascal Lebray, Thierry Poynard, Vlad Ratziu, Filomena Conti. CrossRef 56 Deepinder Goyal, Rabindra R. A. (2015) Effect of low-fat diet interventions versus other diet interventions on long-term weight change in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Meta-analysis: the effect of dietary counseling for weight loss. CrossRef 27 W Ma, T Huang, M Wang, Y Zheng, T Wang, Y Heianza, D Sun, S R Smith, G A Bray, F M Sacks, L Qi. CrossRef 157 Je Rossouw. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. 2015. CrossRef 15 Shivakumar Chitturi, Geoffrey C. (2016) Randomized clinical trial of portion-controlled prepackaged foods to promote weight loss. Participation in exercise was monitored by questionnaire 30 and by the online self-monitoring tool. Kopp. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. King, A. Nutrition in Weight Management and Obesity. (2015) Concentrating carbohydrates before sleep improves feeding regulation and metabolic and inflammatory parameters in mice. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. CrossRef 181 Yan Zheng, Lu Qi. (2016) Behavioral Treatment of the Patient with Obesity. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. CrossRef 128 Harry Preuss, Dallas Clouatre. Intake was determined from three 24-hour diet recalls. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. CrossRef 12 Junghwan Kim. Jonnalagadda, Michael Larsen, Christopher C. Cohen, Samuel Dagogo-Jack, Jaime Davidson, Daniel Einhorn, Om Ganda, Alan Garber, W. CrossRef 120 Ulf Elbelt, Tatjana Schuetz, Nina Knoll, Silke Burkert. (2014) Independent, additive effects of five dietary variables on. The participants were eager to lose weight and to attempt whatever type of diet they were assigned, and they did well in screening interviews and questionnaires that evaluated their motivation. No diet was considered to be a control diet, and the dietary counseling and the attention that we provided were the same for all diet groups throughout the study period. Kuchenbecker, Annemieke Hoek. Josse, A. Genotype Modifies Effects of Weight-Loss Diets on 2-Year Changes of Central Adiposity and Body Composition: The POUNDS Lost Trial. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Bloom. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, and LEARN diets for change in weight and related risk factors among overweight premenopausal women: the A to Z Weight Loss Study: a randomized trial. Nutritional and Integrative Strategies in Cardiovascular Medicine, 147-178. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Genotype Modifies Effect of a Weight-Loss Diet on 2-Year Changes of Insulin Resistance: The POUNDS LOST Trial. (2015) Dietary restriction in moderately obese rats improves body size and glucose handling without the renal and hepatic alterations observed with a high-protein diet. CrossRef 68 T. CrossRef 26 Yoriko Heianza, Wenjie Ma, Tao Huang, Tiange Wang, Yan Zheng, Steven R. (2015) Longevity and skeletal muscle mass: the role of IGF signalling, the sirtuins, dietary restriction and protein intake. Reavis. Marchesini. Effects of total fat intake on body weight. Rothstein. Rates of attendance at group sessions (percent of total sessions attended over the 2-year period) are shown for the quintiles of fat and protein intake. M. CrossRef 171 Jim Mann, Rachael McLean, Murray Skeaff, Lisa Te Morenga. A low-fat vegan diet improves glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in a randomized clinical trial in individuals with type 2 diabetes. (2016) The National Obesity Forum report is an opinion piece not a scientific review. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. K. M. (2015) The Influence on Population Weight Gain and Obesity of the Macronutrient Composition and Energy Density of the Food Supply. Be a part of the WebMD Answers family and share your knowledge and experiences with others. There are various formulations and doses that can be changed to meet your needs. Yancy. CrossRef 175 Deirdre Tobias, Wei Bao. CrossRef 163 O. Calvar, F. Despite the intensive behavioral counseling in our study, participants had difficulty achieving the goals for macronutrient intake of their assigned group. (2015) Dietary protein-to-carbohydrate ratio and added sugar as determinants of excessive gestational weight gain: a prospective cohort study. Sievenpiper, R. Stanton. (2015) Reducing weight in an internal medicine outpatient clinic using a lifestyle medicine approach: A proof of concept. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. The goal for physical activity was 90 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Ard, Gary Miller, Scott Kahan. Comparison of 4 diets of varying glycemic load on weight loss and cardiovascular risk reduction in overweight and obese young adults: a randomized controlled trial. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 38:6, 508-554. Please visit the new WebMD Message Boards to find answers and get support. Reproducibility, power and validity of visual analogue scales in assessment of appetite sensations in single test meal studies. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. 5 cm of waist circumference ( Figure 2 ). Maslova, T. Panel D shows the change in waist circumference for participants who provided measurements at various time-points: 176 to 179 at 6 months, 154 to 166 at 12 months, 135 to 148 at 18 months, and 137 to 159 at 2 years. A two-year randomized weight loss trial comparing a vegan diet to a more moderate low-fat diet. (2016) Metabolic Syndrome: An Evolving Clinical Construct. Get health information delivered straight to your inbox. However, if your employer tells you it is eliminating insurance because of the law, I would be wary of the. CrossRef 95 Daniela Lucini, Giovanna Cesana, Chiara Vigo, Mara Malacarne, Massimo Pagani. e19. We view attendance at counseling sessions as a proxy for commitment to achieving weight loss and for engagement in the program. CrossRef 33 P. Only two trials have reported dietary intake beyond 1 year, 12,26 and one of them provided foods to the participants. Panel B shows the change in body weight for participants who provided measurements at various time points: 176 to 180 participants at 6 months, 157 to 167 at 12 months, 140 to 152 at 18 months, and 151 to 168 at 2 years. Alfredo Martinez, Santiago Navas-Carretero, Wim H. Most of the weight loss occurred in the first 6 months. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Pace, Sheila E. (2015) Interventions to Address Medical Conditions and Health-Risk Behaviors Among Persons With Serious Mental Illness: A Comprehensive Review. We explored the association of achieved nutrient intakes with weight loss. (2016) The Role of Macronutrient Content in the Diet for Weight Management. Wing, Terry Davidson, Leonard Epstein, Bret Goodpaster, Kevin D. Alternatives for macronutrient intake and chronic disease: a comparison of the OmniHeart diets with popular diets and with dietary recommendations. Dietary intake in the lower Mississippi delta region: results from the Foods of Our Delta Study. Satiety, hunger, satisfaction with the diet, and attendance at group sessions were similar for all diets. B. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. (2016) Epigenetics and nutrition-related epidemics of metabolic diseases: Current perspectives and challenges. (2016) Adherence to Mediterranean diet and 10-year incidence (2002-2012) of diabetes: correlations with inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers in the ATTICA cohort study. Study participants who attended two thirds of the sessions over the course of 2 years lost about 9 kg of weight. Panel B shows the change in body weight for the 645 participants who provided measurements at 2 years. Tapsell. Effects of Different Dietary Fibers on Sugar-Induced Blood Pressure Elevations in Hypertensive Rats: Focus on Viscosity. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. L. 2015. Siri-Tarino, Sally Chiu, Nathalie Bergeron, Ronald M. Appetite. It is therefore not surprising that attendance at group sessions was strongly related to adherence to high-protein or low-fat goals but not to the goals in the average-protein or high-fat groups. Colombari, A. Doctor suggested meprate for 5 days no periods feel weak, nausea, tired, vomit. (2015) NIH working group report: Innovative research to improve maintenance of weight loss. Saris, Arne Astrup. Regain after 6 to 12 months was about 20% of the regain reported in earlier trials. A. 2014. CrossRef 102 Lukas Schwingshackl, Georg Hoffmann, Tamara Kalle-Uhlmann, Maria Arregui, Brian Buijsse, Heiner Boeing, Elizabeth W Triche. (2016) The effects on weight loss and gene expression in adipose and hepatic tissues of very-low carbohydrate and low-fat isoenergetic diets in diet-induced obese mice. CrossRef 138 Tao Huang, Jinyan Huang, Qibin Qi, Yanping Li, George A. Of these participants, 303 were assigned to a high-protein diet and 296 to an average-protein diet, 292 were assigned to a high-fat diet and 307 to a low-fat diet, and 159 were assigned to the highest-carbohydrate diet and 155 to the lowest-carbohydrate diet. CrossRef 125 William H Dietz, Louise A Baur, Kevin Hall, Rebecca M Puhl, Elsie M Taveras, Ricardo Uauy, Peter Kopelman. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. M. Turner, William S. M. Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone diets for weight loss and heart disease risk reduction: a randomized trial. Results of the what to eat for lunch study. Roos, Nigel K. Fasting blood samples, 24-hour urine samples, and measurement of resting metabolic rate were obtained on 1 day, and blood-pressure measurement on 2 days, at baseline, 6 months, and 2 years. A total of 403 participants were assigned to a high-protein diet and 408 to an average-protein diet, 405 were assigned to a high-fat diet and 406 to a low-fat diet, and 204 were assigned to the highest-carbohydrate diet and 201 to the lowest-carbohydrate diet. CrossRef 168 Harry Preuss, Jeffrey Preuss. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Spiro, S. The reported intakes represented differences from target levels of fat, protein, and carbohydrate intake of 8. Abstract Background The possible advantage for weight loss of a diet that emphasizes protein, fat, or carbohydrates has not been established, and there are few studies that extend beyond 1 year. CrossRef 142 H P F Peters, W P Koppenol, E A H Schuring, S L Abrahamse, D J Mela. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Stone. (2015) Gene-environment interactions and obesity: recent developments and future directions. Daumit. (2015) Determining how best to support overweight adults to adhere to lifestyle change: protocol for the SWIFT study. Sainsbury, I. Williams, K. CrossRef 178 (2014) Chapter 1 Assessment and Risk Management of Menopausal Women. When you come to WebMD Answers with questions, you also bring answers. (2015) Self-Directed Weight Loss Strategies: Energy Expenditure Due to Physical Activity Is Not Increased to Achieve Intended Weight Loss. A randomized trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity. Byrne. CrossRef 84 F. Carson, J. Bazzano. Bertin, B. The American Journal of Medicine 127, 1242. Simpson, David Raubenheimer. Hollman. (2016) Using a wider lens to shift the discourse on food in Canadian curriculum policies. Ziegler, E. Popular diets and over-the-counter dietary aids and their effectiveness in managing obesity. Randomized trial of protein vs carbohydrate in ad libitum fat reduced diet for the treatment of obesity. (2014) Differences in weight loss and health outcomes among African Americans and whites in multicentre trials. (2016) Through Thick and Thin: Identifying Barriers to Bariatric Surgery, Weight Loss Maintenance, and Tailoring Obesity Treatment for the Future. Blot, T. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 45:3, 565-580. (2016) Higher protein intake is associated with increased risk for incident end-stage renal disease among blacks with diabetes in the Southern Community Cohort Study. 2016. Long-term effects of 2 energy-restricted diets differing in glycemic load on dietary adherence, body composition, and metabolism in CALERIE: a 1-y randomized controlled trial. Stefanadis,. (2015) Biologic Responses to Weight Loss and Weight Regain: Report From an American Diabetes Association Research Symposium. Figueredo, Etienne J. CrossRef 109 Vivek Kumbhari, Andreas Oberbach, Ashish Nimgaonkar. CrossRef 140 Sanne Kellebjerg Poulsen, Charlotte Crone, Arne Astrup, Thomas Meinert Larsen. S. Vassy, Tanya Agurs-Collins,. (2016) A Review of Population-Level Actions Targeting Reductions in Food Portion Sizes to Address Obesity and Related Non-communicable Diseases. (2015) Weight Loss Is a Useful Therapeutic Objective. (2015) Medications for weight loss. Ikizler, L. Feldman, C. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Slavin, Svetlana Zivanovic. (2015) Effects of nutrition education on weight gain prevention: a randomized controlled trial.

2015. Reduction in saturated fat intake for cardiovascular disease. (2016) Exposing the exposures responsible for type 2 diabetes and obesity. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Stanner. 7, 1. The project staff of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute also participated in the development of the protocol, monitoring of progress, interpretation of results, and critical review of the manuscript. 2016. CrossRef 160 Adela Hruby, Frank B. Sacks is a member of the Lifestyle Working Group of the Expert Panel that interacts with the Obesity Committee. Panel D shows the change in waist circumference for the 599 participants who provided measurements at 2 years. Sanders. (2014) Personalized nutrition and obesity. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice 43:1, 145-158. ) in the treatment of overweight and obese patients with type 2 diabetes: A double-blind randomized controlled trial. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. I bars in all panels indicate standard errors. The participants were offered group and individual instructional sessions for 2 years. (2014) Low carbohydrate diets: going against the grain. Any of the OTC medications that people take for headache and fever will help for someone that has hypertension, just be sure and read the label. Johnson, Linda C. Of these participants, 303 were assigned to a high-protein diet and 296 to an average-protein diet, 292 were assigned to a high-fat diet and 307 to a low-fat diet, and 159 were assigned to the highest-carbohydrate diet and 155 to the lowest-carbohydrate diet. (2014) Metabolic syndrome and lifestyle modification. Brown. Jouret, R. (2015) Effective Diet and Exercise Interventions to Improve Body Composition in Obese Individuals. He, L. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. 11,12,19,21,26 Substantially diminished adherence after the first few months is typical in weight-loss trials 5,6,8,10-12,19,21,24,26 and occurred between 6 months and 2 years in our trial. CrossRef 86 Qibin Qi, Yan Zheng, Tao Huang, Jennifer Rood, George A. Ibrahim, Peter Zahradka, Carla G. (2014) Effects of Dietary Macronutrients on Plasma Lipid Levels and the Consequence for Cardiovascular Disease. (2015) Saturated Fats Versus Polyunsaturated Fats Versus Carbohydrates for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Treatment. Mordes, Chao Liu, Shuhang Xu. Changes from baseline differed among the diet groups by less than 0. Yao, K. Farrell. Hills, N. Blood pressure was measured with the use of an automated device (HEM-907XL, Omron). The ratio of urinary microalbumin to creatinine was more than 30 in five participants in the average-protein group and in five participants in the high-protein group at 6 months and in seven participants, all in the average-protein groups, at 2 years. Caligiuri, Shyamchand Mayengbam, Naser H. Lifestyle Issues: Diet. CrossRef 133 Yehuda Handelsman, Zachary Bloomgarden, George Grunberger, Guillermo Umpierrez, Robert Zimmerman, Timothy Bailey, Lawrence Blonde, George Bray, A. Calvar, F. 2016. L. 12 In addition, trials of low-carbohydrate diets have reported a very low incidence of urinary ketosis after 6 months, 6,8,12 suggesting that in most overweight people, it is futile to sustain a low intake of carbohydrates. (2015) Health Benefits of Long-Term Weight-Loss Maintenance. Solid bars represent high-protein, high-fat, or highest-carbohydrate diets. Results Participants Of 1638 participants who were screened, 811 (50%) were randomly assigned to a diet, and 645 (80% of those assigned) completed the study (i. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. (2015) Determinants of Weight Gain Prevention in Young Adult and Midlife Women: Study Design and Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Sacks is also vice-chair of the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association, which advises the Association on nutrition topics, including those related to overweight and obesity. Malhotra, K. Data were pooled from the diets for the two factorial comparisons: low fat versus high fat and average protein versus high protein. (2016) Paradoxical Effects of Fruit on Obesity. CrossRef 90 Tao Huang, Frank B Hu. Kramer. Wood, R. (2014) Diet and lifestyle interventions on lipids: combination with genomics and metabolomics. The principal finding is that the diets were equally successful in promoting clinically meaningful weight loss and the maintenance of weight loss over the course of 2 years. A randomized trial comparing a very low carbohydrate diet and a calorie-restricted low fat diet on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women. CrossRef 59 Deborah L. Bays, W. CrossRef 77 Donevan Westerveld, Dennis Yang. Roberts. Dietary fat is not a major determinant of body fat. De Sousa, Robert J. 2017. Wingard, Sara Wilcox, Edward A. CrossRef 126 O. The mean differences among the groups in fat, carbohydrate, or protein intake at 6 months were nevertheless often greater than those in several previous trials comparing diets for weight loss. Virgil Brown. Rana, Loki Natarajan. Dr. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. No periods for 2 mnths pregnancy kit -ve. Hu, L. E. Rolls, R. e10. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Siri-Tarino. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. C. A. CrossRef 149 B. Behavioral counseling was integrated into the group and individual sessions to promote adherence to the assigned diets. 5 kg of body weight and 0. (2015) Primary endoscopic therapies for obesity and metabolic diseases. 2015. e1. Obesity Management for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Random assignments to one of four diet groups were generated by the data manager at the coordinating center on request of a study dietitian, after eligibility of a participant was confirmed. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 45:3, 581-604. W. CrossRef 136 Vlad Ratziu, Zachary Goodman, Arun Sanyal. (2015) ASGE position statement on endoscopic bariatric therapies in clinical practice. A self-regulation program for maintenance of weight loss. 12,24,37,38 These findings together point to behavioral factors rather than macronutrient metabolism as the main influences on weight loss. (2015) Strategies for the prevention of knee osteoarthritis. The primary outcome was the change in body weight after 2 years in two-by-two factorial comparisons of low fat versus high fat and average protein versus high protein and in the comparison of highest and lowest carbohydrate content. Thompson. McCarthy. CrossRef 97 Shelby Sullivan, Nitin Kumar, Steven A. (2017) Diets High in Fat or Fructose Differentially Modulate Bone Health and Lipid Metabolism. Conclusions Reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize. CrossRef 170 Peter C. The participants who completed the study had a mean weight loss of 6. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. CrossRef 98 (2015) Obesity and reproduction: a committee opinion. Measurements Body weight and waist circumference were measured in the morning before breakfast on 2 days at baseline, 6 months, and 2 years, and on a single day at 12 and 18 months. Development of phenolic compounds encapsulation techniques as a major challenge for food industry and for health and nutrition fields. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. (2015) Mindful Eating. B. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. (2015) Predictors of a successful medical weight loss program. These changes in risk factors in the intention-to-treat population were about 30 to 40% smaller than the changes seen among participants who provided data at 2 years, reflecting the effect of the imputation of missing values (Table 1 in the Supplementary Appendix ). CrossRef 63 Lorayne Robertson, Joli Scheidler-Benns. KALMAN. Many people want insurance but feel that deductibles and co-pays make it too costly to actually go to the doctor. Rothman, Donna Ryan. Ebeling, Kerrie M. Tucker. (2016) Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Chronic Disease: The Case for a Long-Term Trial. 2016. Au-Yeung, A. (2016) A randomized pilot study of dietary treatments for polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents. However, attendance had a strong association with weight loss, and the association was similar across diet groups. Reported energy intakes and physical activity were similar among the diet groups. (2016) NIH working group report-using genomic information to guide weight management: From universal to precision treatment. Minniti, G. Gordon, D. Frongillo. Astrup, S. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 36:9, S6-S15. Aukema. Long-term weight maintenance and cardiovascular risk factors are not different following weight loss on carbohydrate-restricted diets high in either monounsaturated fat or protein in obese hyperinsulinemic men and women. Telem, Darragh Herlihy, Kathryn Cottell, Aurora D. (2016) Functionality of Sugars in Foods and Health. ) Full Text of Discussion. (2014) The Epidemiology of Obesity: A Big Picture. Sharma. I bars in all panels indicate standard errors. (2014) Unravelling of the health effects of polyphenols is a complex puzzle complicated by metabolism. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 35, 81-92. (2016) Complex Relationships Between Food, Diet, and the Microbiome. (2015) Metabolomic analysis reveals distinct profiles in the plasma and urine of rats fed a high-protein diet. (2014) Factors associated with choice of a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet during a behavioral weight loss intervention. CrossRef 141 Caroline K. CrossRef 124 Chunlong Mu, Yuxiang Yang, Zhen Luo, Weiyun Zhu. F. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Wong, M. Attendance at group sessions was associated with adherence to the fat and protein goals only in the high-protein and low-fat groups ( Figure 4 ). Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. CrossRef 159 Jennifer Arussi. 1 in the Supplementary Appendix ). CrossRef 113 Lee Hooper, Asmaa Abdelhamid, Diane Bunn, Tracey Brown, Carolyn D Summerbell, C Murray Skeaff, Lee Hooper. Bray, MD: Progress in Obesity—Multidisciplinary Research, Multidimensional Man. CrossRef 152 Catherine J Metzgar, Sharon M Nickols-Richardson. (2015) Treatment of Obesity in 2015. Heath, Kim C. Brook Singletary, Adeena Menasha, Clarissa Cooblall, Donald Hantula, Saul Axelrod, Vincent M. CrossRef 17 Tomomi Yamazaki, Sumire Okawa, Mayumi Takahashi. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Conformity to cultural norms, scientific novelty, and media attention are nonbiologic reasons for the success of specific diets. Johner, K. CrossRef 180 Lu Qi. (2015) Effect of a 4-week weight maintenance diet on circulating hormone levels: implications for clinical weight loss trials. Obesity research -- limitations of methods, measurements, and medications. (2015) Personality, attrition and weight loss in treatment seeking women with obesity. Norman. Wadden. NALLIAH, PRASHANTHAN SANDERS, JONATHAN M. Weight loss with a low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or low-fat diet. (2014) Lifestyle Interventions for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction: A Systematic Review of the Effects of Diet Composition, Food Provision, and Treatment Modality on Weight Loss. The study was approved by the human subjects committee at each institution and by a data and safety monitoring board appointed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Protein Intake Throughout Life and Current Dietary Recommendations. Open bars represent average-protein, low-fat, or lowest-carbohydrate diets. Comparison of a low carbohydrate and low fat diet for weight maintenance in overweight or obese adults enrolled in a clinical weight management program. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 11, 431-435. H. Dinani, Richard I. Comparison of strategies for sustaining weight loss: the Weight Loss Maintenance randomized controlled trial. 2015. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 116:6, 968-983. ) 36 Mensink RP, Zock PL, Kester AD, Katan MB. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. In contrast, the participants in the high-protein or low-fat groups had more challenging dietary goals. (2016) Meta-analysis of variance: an illustration comparing the effects of two dietary interventions on variability in weight. Potential of Diet and Dietary Supplementation to Ameliorate the Chronic Clinical Perturbations of Metabolic Syndrome. CrossRef 127 Ingrid Elizabeth Lofgren. The role of dietary energy density in weight management. Participants were instructed to record their food and beverage intake in a daily food diary and in a Web-based self-monitoring tool that provided information on how closely their daily food intake met the goals for macronutrients and energy. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. (2016) Surgical Weight Loss and Atrial Fibrillation. (2015) Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Changes in Anthropometric Variables in Adult Populations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. (2016) Food preferences and weight change during low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets. 2 percentage points, respectively, at 2 years. (2016) Metabolic syndrome, diet and exercise. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Crowe. Strategies for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. This means that a cookie will stay on your computer even when you exit or close your browser which may reduce your levels of privacy and security. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. They were informed that the study would be comparing diets with different fat, protein, and carbohydrate contents and that they would be assigned a diet at random. A. Pryor. M. The effects of low-carbohydrate versus conventional weight loss diets in severely obese adults: one-year follow-up of a randomized trial. Jouret, R. CrossRef 31 Prapimporn Chattranukulchai Shantavasinkul, Philip Omotosho, Leonor Corsino, Dana Portenier, Alfonso Torquati. We caution that these post hoc analyses do not have the strong validity of the main analysis of this controlled trial, which compared randomized groups. (2015) Current efforts and trends in the treatment of NASH. Gooding, H. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Halldorsson, A. J. CrossRef 139 E. 2015. (2016) Physical Activity and Dietary Determinants of Weight Loss Success in the US General Population. Perri. (2015) The diet-heart hypothesis, obesity and diabetes. A short questionnaire for the measurement of habitual physical activity in epidemiological studies. Gallagher, H. Azrin, Denise Juliano-Bult, Gail L. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. CrossRef 72 Patrick Wilson. A. P values for a trend in weight loss across quintiles are as follows: P ). CrossRef 172 B. Yancy. CrossRef 112 Lu Qi. Li, P. The analysis also included a comparison of two of the four diets, the diet with the lowest carbohydrate content and the diet with the highest carbohydrate content, and included a test for trend across the four levels of carbohydrates. Journal of Clinical Lipidology 9:6, S1-S122. (2015) An energy-reduced dietary pattern, including moderate protein and increased nonfat dairy intake combined with walking promotes beneficial body composition and metabolic changes in women with excess adiposity: a randomized comparative trial. 1,2,26 Investigators and staff who measured outcomes were unaware of the diet assignment of the participants. (2016) Endoscopic Devices for Obesity. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Endoluminal Procedures for the Treatment and Management of Bariatric Patients. Staff and participants were taught that each diet adhered to principles of a healthful diet 29 and that each had been recommended for long-term weight loss, thereby establishing equipoise. The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins, 13-25. CrossRef 166 Emilie Daoud, Celena Scheede-Bergdahl, Andreas Bergdahl. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. A randomized controlled trial of a moderate-fat, low-energy diet compared with a low fat, low-energy diet for weight loss in overweight adults. 67-kg weight loss as an effect of the level of protein or fat in the diet over the 2-year period, assuming a withdrawal rate of 40%. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 15, 317-327. Laitner, Michael G. The crucial question is whether overweight people have a better response in the long term to diets that emphasize a specific macronutrient composition. Reynolds, T. Learn more about these popular experts selected by the WebMD Editorial Staff. CrossRef 41 Naji Alamuddin, Thomas A. Intensive lifestyle changes for reversal of coronary heart disease. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. I had achilles tendinitis when I was younger and I would feel the pain whenever I. gov number, NCT00072995. Obesity Management for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. (2014) Weight loss maintenance in overweight subjects on ad libitum diets with high or low protein content and glycemic index: the DIOGENES trial 12-month results. 0, 4. Whelton, J. (2016) Dietary protein from different food sources, incident metabolic syndrome and changes in its components: An 11-year longitudinal study in healthy community-dwelling adults. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 1, 74-75. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 68:23, 2505-2507. Thus, changes in biomarkers confirmed that differences among the groups in macronutrient intake were consistent with those recorded in the dietary reports and that participants modified their intake of macronutrients in the direction of the goals, although the targets were not fully achieved. (2016) Adherence to low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets in relation to weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors. e18. Scott Lapinski, Mariana Lazo, John H. 2015. (ClinicalTrials. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Seeley, Tamara Darsow, Erika Gebel Berg, Steven R. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Cavanaugh, W. CrossRef 52 J. Effect of normal-fat diets, either medium or high in protein, on body weight in overweight subjects: a randomised 1-year trial. Bertin, B. House, Harold M. CrossRef 8 Goreti Botelho, Sara Canas, Jorge Lameiras. Buniak, Louis J. Panel D shows the change in waist circumference for participants who provided measurements at various time-points: 176 to 179 at 6 months, 154 to 166 at 12 months, 135 to 148 at 18 months, and 137 to 159 at 2 years. 3 cm per month of regained waist circumference after withdrawal (see Methods in the Supplementary Appendix ). Major criteria for exclusion were the presence of diabetes or unstable cardiovascular disease, the use of medications that affect body weight, and insufficient motivation as assessed by interview and questionnaire. Solid bars represent high-protein, high-fat, or highest-carbohydrate diets. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 38:6, 555-610. Most people who have narcolepsy have low levels of hypocretin. Panel B shows the change in body weight for participants who provided measurements at various time points: 176 to 180 participants at 6 months, 157 to 167 at 12 months, 140 to 152 at 18 months, and 151 to 168 at 2 years. CrossRef 50 T Wang, T Huang, Y Zheng, J Rood, G A Bray, F M Sacks, L Qi. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. A low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet versus a low-fat diet to treat obesity and hyperlipidemia: a randomized, controlled trial. (2016) Two-year changes in circulating adiponectin, ectopic fat distribution and body composition in response to weight-loss diets: the POUNDS Lost Trial. (2016) NAFLD and liver transplantation: Current burden and expected challenges. Longo, Michelle Harvie. V. (2016) Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment and Atrial Fibrillation: A Need for Definitive Evidence. Levine, Stella Savarimuthu, Allison Squires, Joseph Nicholson, Melanie Jay. Steffen, L. Mattes, Robin M. Nickols-Richardson. (2015) Long-term adherence to the New Nordic Diet and the effects on body weight, anthropometry and blood pressure: a 12-month follow-up study. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. 2017. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Comparison of energy-restricted very low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on weight loss and body composition in overweight men and women. Tan, Stephen R. If you are using an operating system that does not support Flash, we are working to bring you alternative formats. Participants Our goal was to recruit 800 overweight and obese subjects (400 at each site), of whom about 40% would be men. CrossRef 32 John Grizzanti, Hyoung-Gon Lee, Antoni Camins, Merce Pallas, Gemma Casadesus. (2015) Sorghum: An Underutilized Cereal Whole Grain with the Potential to Assist in the Prevention of Chronic Disease. 02-5215. CrossRef 121 Lee Hooper, Nicole Martin, Asmaa Abdelhamid, George Davey Smith, Lee Hooper. CrossRef 108 Preeshila Behary, Jaimini Cegla, Tricia M. Keller. The ranges of protein and fat intakes overlapped substantially in the diet groups. Even if you select this option there are some features of our site that still require you to log in for privacy reasons. Thus, two diets were low-fat and two were high-fat, and two were average-protein and two were high-protein, constituting a two-by-two factorial design. Arden. (2014) Causes of metabolic syndrome and obesity-related co-morbidities Part 1: A composite unifying theory review of human-specific co-adaptations to brain energy consumption. Foreyt. (2016) Gut Microbiota and Lifestyle Interventions in NAFLD. Lipworth, E. CrossRef 53 Yasuyuki Nakamura, Hirotsugu Ueshima, Nagako Okuda, Katsuyuki Miura, Yoshikuni Kita, Naoko Miyagawa, Katsushi Yoshita, Hideaki Nakagawa, Kiyomi Sakata, Shigeyuki Saitoh, Tomonori Okamura, Akira Okayama, Sohel R. 2, and 14. (2016) The Effects of Increased Protein Intake on Fullness: A Meta-Analysis and Its Limitations. Williams, Rachel C. Figure 2 Mean Changes in Body Weight and Waist Circumference at Various Time Points. 4 percentage points, respectively, at 6 months and 6. Associations between adherence to the fat and protein goals and weight loss were also explored in post hoc analyses (see Methods in the Supplementary Appendix ). Daily meal plans in 2-week blocks were provided (see the Supplementary Appendix ). Ho, L. The important thing is that all these private insurance plans typically have some sort of deductible and some sort of co-pay. (2014) Diet during Pregnancy and Gestational Weight Gain. Effect of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the ratio of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60 controlled trials. Diet and lifestyle recommendations revision 2006: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee. The diets improved lipid risk factors and fasting insulin levels in the directions that would be expected on the basis of macronutrient content. (2016) Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes. CrossRef 165 Megan A. Statistical Analysis The primary outcome of the study was the change in body weight over a period of 2 years, and the secondary outcome was the change in waist circumference. (2015) Technology-Assisted Weight Loss Interventions in Primary Care: A Systematic Review. 3 kg per month of regained weight 34 and a rate of 0. The Molecular Nutrition of Amino Acids and Proteins, 221-232. Coffman, Stephanie Mayer, William S. Evans, R. Menendez, Jorge Joven. Jones, Penny Kris-Etherton, Geeta Sikand, Ralph La Forge, Stephen R. Adobe Flash Player is required to view this feature. Driver, Neil J. L. Ziegler, E. Aronne. (2015) Management of obesity: improvement of health-care training and systems for prevention and care. (2015) The effect of a low-energy food foam on appetite measures during a 1-day reduced-energy meal plan. (2016) Endoscopic Bariatric Therapies. The diets improved lipid-related risk factors and fasting insulin levels. Watson. Amankwaah, Katherene Osei-Boadi Anguah, Ashley Jacobs, Blake L.

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